Here at Broadhurst Optometrists, we pride ourselves on being at the cutting edge of optical technology. With this in mind, we’re all very excited to introduce our brand new system: E-Eye.
E-eye is a revolution in managing long term dry eye symptoms. The series of treatments are safe, quick and non-invasive. Millions of people every day suffer from the symptoms of dry eye: ranging from slight discomfort to unbearably stingy, gritty eyes.
The Statistics
For 60% of patients results can last up to three years.

Clinical studies show over 86% satisfaction rate on the first two treatments.
Scientifically proven efficiency.
55% of patients don’t use eye drops anymore.
95.7% of patients recommend the treatment.
Your eye’s tear film serves many purposes and when it isn’t performing as it should the consequences can be endless. Often, patients present with a sensation of something in their eye or feel unable to work at their computers for long periods because their eyes sting and their vision becomes blurry. For a huge amount of Dry Eye sufferers this is not only annoying and uncomfortable but detrimental to their productivity at work.
The Science of Dry Eye
Dry eyes are caused by a problem with the tear layer. Either when we don’t make enough tears or the tears evaporate too quickly. When we blink we leave a thin layer, called the tear film, over the front of the eye. This helps the eye stay lubricated, healthy and helps the eye focus properly giving us clear vision.
Some research suggests that we can blame heavily air-conditioned offices and using computers for long periods of time for the sharp rise in Dry Eye Syndrome sufferers. It’s also thought that dry eye can be caused by aging, certain medications and pre-existing health conditions.
The lacrimal film, necessary to the eye function is made of three layers:

The mucous layer, in contact with the ocular globe, secreted by the conjuctival mucous cells.
The aqueous layer, secreted by lacrimal glands.
The lipid layer, secreted by meibomian glands.
Meibomian gland dysfunction has been identified to be the main cause of dry eye syndrome around the world.
Contact lens wearers can be especially prone to Dry Eye, and this can cause discomfort when wearing their lenses. Some patients opt to change lenses – to those specifically designed with dry eye sufferers in mind – but these can be more expensive and often don’t provide total relief.
Many people who suffer from dry eyes mistake it for other things as eyes can seem red and sore. If you answer yes to any of the following symptoms you should mention it to an eye care professional.
Gritty sensation
Difficulty night driving
Stinging sensation
Sensitivity to light
Stringy mucus in or around the eyes
Difficulty wearing contact lenses
Difficulty working on computers
Temporary blurred vision which clears after blinking
In the past, we’ve always advised our patients to use eye drops to provide some relief from scratchy, inflamed eyes. For severe dry eye sufferers, the relief the drops provide is quite often short-lived.
How E-Eye works
The Meibomian glands are a type of sebaceous gland located at the rim of the eyelids. These glands supply the oily substance that prevents your eye’s tear film from evaporating.

E-eye’s unique approach to treating dry eye works by using patented Intense Regulated Pulsed Light. These pulses of light are calibrated at exactly the right frequency to stimulate the Meibomian glands to normal function, and therefore restoring the lipid layer.
Once the lipid layer is restored, the tear film cannot evaporate as quickly: resulting in healthier, more comfortable eyes.
The Treatment
For anybody interested in E-Eye we will go through a brief questionnaire with you as certain factors may mean you are unsuitable for treatment. Following on from the questionnaire, we will book you in for a dry-eye assessment with one of our optometrists. This will determine your levels of dry eye and also if it’s caused by the evaporative form of dry eye syndrome (Meibomian gland dysfunction). This is the most common form of dry eye syndrome. But it is important for us to confirm this before recommending E-Eye to you.
We can conduct the first E-Eye session at the same time as your dry eye assessment if you decide to go ahead.
During the treatment you will be comfortably seated, and an eye mask will be placed on your eyes. A special gel will be applied to the skin underneath your eye, the cheekbones and up to the temples. One of our trained professionals will gently press the E-Eye hand set against the gel and administer a series of flashes to the area. There will be no pain or discomfort to yourself during the treatment.

We typically conduct the sessions on day 1, 15, 45 and 75. Some people feel a benefit following the first treatment, but most after 15 days. Following the 3rd treatment at day 45 and the 4th one month later, the eyes should be more capable of coping with prolonged computer use, hot environments and air-conditioning. Not everyone can give up total use of eye lubricants, but most can reduce this significantly. We are also able to repeat the process later if needed, although for many the relief gained can last up to three years.
For many this relief can last up to three years
We are so excited to be one of a small group of optometrists to be able to provide this service. For any more information please give us a call on either 01772 822591 for Preston or 01253 734791 for Lytham. Alternatively you can drop us an email on
For a limited time period, we are offering 15% discount off the treatment.